
The Food Research Platform is an online portal that allows the food security research and development community to share their latest findings and publications across 8 promising research themes.

It aims to serve the needs of a wide range of stakeholders in terms of data, information and knowledge on research and development in sustainable food systems across the food value chain.

Targeting mainly public and private institutions working in the research and development sector, it is a repository of research data related to food security in the country.  It also provides information on key investors in the food and agriculture sectors, the UAE research agenda on food security, and patent registration processes

The portal also aims to raise the awareness of local private-sector companies and Higher Education institutions about the importance of patenting their innovations and technologies.

The portal serves as a vehicle to align research and development with the National Food Security Strategy. This strategy aims to enable UAE's population to have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food for an active and healthy life at affordable prices at all times, including emergencies and crises.